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Forum Announcement: Bounties
The People's Commissariat for Finance is now going to begin offering bounties to individuals for a wide range of activities. This initiative has two goals: increase activity and create some worthwhile culture.

Here is a list of things that will result in the giving of bounties:
[list][*]Creating a bank account in Kirkland (one-time bounty)
[*]Joining the Communist Party (one-time bounty)
[*]Creating a piece of cultural work. These can be submitted on our nation's wiki at Alternatively they can be submitted to the Committee on Information and Broadcasting (in the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) who will then place it in the appropriate place.
[*]Helping write or expand articles on the wiki. Our wiki is in desperate need of expansion and we will pay you based on the number and quality of edits/expansions.
[*]Create backstory in Alovia. We are always in need of useful backstory and RPing in Alovia. Will be paid based on the quality of the backstory provided.[/list]

If you think that something should be added to this list then please tell me. I'm always open for new ideas.

Also, if you wish to collect a bounty then please post that in the "Collecting a Bounty" topic.