25-04-201209:30 AM
[b][u][size=large]Cessation of Hostilities and Treaty Concerning the Two Kirkish Republics[/size][/u][/b]
Article 1: Hostilities between the Democratic People's Republic of Kirkland, hereafter referred to as DPRoK, and the Republic of Kirkland, hereafter referred to as RoK, will cease and peace will be established.
Article 2: Conditions for the cessation of hostilities between between the DPRoK and RoK will include the following
[list=1][*]The RoK will immediately disarm.
[*]The RoK will be henceforth required to have a reduced military of no more than 10 individuals. This will include both a de jure military and any hired private military contractors, militias, or paramilitary groups active in the nation.
[*]The RoK will release all claims on territory of the DPRoK and will cease claiming to be the only legitimate successor to the Most Glorious & Holy Empire of Kirkland. Both the RoK and DPRoK will be considered legitimate successors to the Most Glorious & Holy Empire of Kirkland.
[*]The DPRoK and the RoK will provide each other funds to repair any damages incurred from invasions into the territory of both nations. The RoK will pay for damages in territory of the DPRoK and the DPRoK will pay for damages in territory of the RoK.
[*]The RoK will allow the formation of a Communist Party of the Republic of Kirkland. This new communist party will be directly administered by the administration of the Communist Party of the Democratic People's Republic of Kirkland until such a time as the CPDPRoK determines the new party strong enough to function independently.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will renounce any claims of war crimes or other allegations on citizens of the other nation. This is a one-time provision and will not effect charges brought after the time of the ratification of this treaty.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will engage in a free trade agreement where no tariffs will be placed on imports from the other nation.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will engage in a mutual extradition agreement.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will pledge to never militarize the border between their two nations.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will pledge to never engage in hostilities against each other under any circumstances.
[*]The RoK will submit to regular, monthly inspections by DPRoK inspectors to search for violations of this treaty.[/list]
This treaty has been negotiated and approved by the undersigned parties
Nathaniel Yates
Premier of the Democratic People's Republic of Kirkland
Thomas Henderson
President of the Republic of Kirkland
This treaty will take immediate effect upon ratification by the Democratic People's Republic of Kirkland and the Republic of Kirkland
Article 1: Hostilities between the Democratic People's Republic of Kirkland, hereafter referred to as DPRoK, and the Republic of Kirkland, hereafter referred to as RoK, will cease and peace will be established.
Article 2: Conditions for the cessation of hostilities between between the DPRoK and RoK will include the following
[list=1][*]The RoK will immediately disarm.
[*]The RoK will be henceforth required to have a reduced military of no more than 10 individuals. This will include both a de jure military and any hired private military contractors, militias, or paramilitary groups active in the nation.
[*]The RoK will release all claims on territory of the DPRoK and will cease claiming to be the only legitimate successor to the Most Glorious & Holy Empire of Kirkland. Both the RoK and DPRoK will be considered legitimate successors to the Most Glorious & Holy Empire of Kirkland.
[*]The DPRoK and the RoK will provide each other funds to repair any damages incurred from invasions into the territory of both nations. The RoK will pay for damages in territory of the DPRoK and the DPRoK will pay for damages in territory of the RoK.
[*]The RoK will allow the formation of a Communist Party of the Republic of Kirkland. This new communist party will be directly administered by the administration of the Communist Party of the Democratic People's Republic of Kirkland until such a time as the CPDPRoK determines the new party strong enough to function independently.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will renounce any claims of war crimes or other allegations on citizens of the other nation. This is a one-time provision and will not effect charges brought after the time of the ratification of this treaty.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will engage in a free trade agreement where no tariffs will be placed on imports from the other nation.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will engage in a mutual extradition agreement.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will pledge to never militarize the border between their two nations.
[*]The DPRoK and RoK will pledge to never engage in hostilities against each other under any circumstances.
[*]The RoK will submit to regular, monthly inspections by DPRoK inspectors to search for violations of this treaty.[/list]
This treaty has been negotiated and approved by the undersigned parties
Nathaniel Yates
Premier of the Democratic People's Republic of Kirkland
Thomas Henderson
President of the Republic of Kirkland
This treaty will take immediate effect upon ratification by the Democratic People's Republic of Kirkland and the Republic of Kirkland